Can we Count the Exact Number of Stars in the Universe

Can we count the exact number of stars in the universe

Have you ever looked at the sky and raised the question or have you ever wondered how many stars are there in space ???

The question is very good and scientists and philosophers have been interested in this question for years. If you take a look at the sky in a desert far away from the lights, you can see thousands of stars and if you have a telescope and you are looking at the sky from it, you will see millions of stars. 

So how many stars are there in the universe?

This question is very easy to ask but very difficult to answer because the stars are not scattered in the sky (universe) but are present together in the form of galaxies. There are hundreds of thousands of light-years between them. The galaxy in which our sun is located is called the Milky Way galaxy, and it is estimated that this galaxy alone contains 400 billion suns (stars) in addition to the sun. In addition to our own galaxy, there are countless other galaxies in the universe that have been discovered so far in the observable universe. These galaxies are located at a great distance from our galaxy and contain billions of stars. Just as our sun is one of the billions of stars in our galaxy, so there are billions and billions of suns (stars) like our sun in every galaxy. There are an estimated 100 billion galaxies in the observable universe. Some galaxies are as small as our galaxy, some as large as our galaxy, and some as huge as galaxies that take millions of years for light to travel from one end to the other. Now imagine how many stars there will be in these 100 billion galaxies. The figure of 100 billion is a very large number and it is estimated that there are so many galaxies that there may be even more galaxies in the observable universe.


The number of stars inside the galaxies in the observable universe is so large that we cannot count them, even though we do not know exactly about the 400 billion stars in our galaxy. If you start counting every single hair on the head of every human being in this world, you will one day succeed, but you will not be able to count the stars in the universe. If you manage to count every speck of sand on the shores of this world, you will not be able to count the stars in the universe. There are so many stars that can't be counted, they are all suns like our sun, these suns also have their own planets like our sun, there are stars bigger than our sun in front of which the sun has no status ۔ The presence or absence of our sun does not make any difference to the stars in the universe, but it will definitely make a difference to us. 

The sun is very important to us because our earthly life depends on it. Does not happen Just as the presence or absence of our sun does not affect the rest of the suns, so the presence or absence of the rest of the suns, that is, the stars, does not affect our sun. This is the universe. How many stars have been born here, how many are being born and how many stars are dying in their lifetimes, some black holes and some supernova explosions, where new stars will be born later.

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