Is Hawking radiation deadly?

Is Hawking radiation deadly? | Stephen Hawking Radiations

Is Hawking radiation deadly?

The spontaneous appearance of particles near the event horizon is expected to generate hawking radiation. Various particles dominate the hawking radiation, depending on the mass of the black hole. However, numerous radiation particles, from photons to electrons, positrons, neutrinos to gravitations, and any other sort of unusual material, are all composed in all. Electrons for instance are loaded and interact with matter thus extremely powerfully. Photons also interact intensely but Positrons and other antiparticles might pose a problem since upon contact they annihilate with the matter, which you generally don’t want to experience in your own body.

So the simple answer is we do not know because we have not detected them yet. Once we observe them experimentally then we can say for sure either they are dead are not.

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